Sunday, May 06, 2012

Screening at the PFA today!

I am honored to be screening a short video on my corner store at the PFA today with other filmmakers at Cal! Part of receiving honorable mention for the UC Berkeley Eisner Prize. I also received first prize for the campus Eisner Prize for photo, and have long since spent the prize money on photo materials....On the off chance that anyone reads this and is able to is the info!

The Eisner Prize is UC Berkeley’s highest award for creativity. This program presents work by this year’s winners in film and video, Rebecca Ramage and Rodrigo Ojeda-Beck, along with a diverse sampling of videos from the competition.

Sunday, May 6, 2012 5:00 p.m. 

Works from the Eisner Prize Competition (2009–12). Student filmmakers in person. Student Pick! Recent works by UC Berkeley students, including the winners of the Eisner Prize, the campus’s highest award for creativity. Includes films by Rebecca Ramage, Rodrigo Ojeda-Beck, Nathaniel Klein, Kari Orvik, Kyan Krumdieck, Aayushman Indra Pandey, Myles Moscato, Max Tarcher, and Nancy Ledesma. (70 mins)

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