Monday, April 02, 2012

Mark Bradford, Portraiture, Facebook?

After hearing Mark Bradford speak at Yerba Buena this Saturday (and loving it), I was part of a panel this weekend on Facebook and portraiture at Catharine Clark gallery.

Reporting after the fact about this discussion on internet identity - coincides perfectly with a gap in internet service providers as I am switching webhosts and moving my website over to wordpress.....somehow the old site won't reflect the new host and for the first time in 6 years I don't have a website....
Do I still exist without it? Hell yes!

Anyway, this was the panel at Catharine Clark:

Catharine Clark Gallery
Celebrating 21 years
Saturday, March 31, from 4:15 to 6pm
Organized by Catharine Clark and Ken Goldberg

Post your own self-portrait with up to 50 words about why you chose it:
What Would Rembrandt Post? Facebook Page


* Allan de Souza, Artist, Chair, New Genres, SFAI
* Sam Lessin, Facebook, Director of Timeline, Founder of
* Patricia Maloney, Art Practical
* Kari Orvik, MFA Candidate, UC Berkeley Art Practice
* Tiffany Shlain, Filmmaker and Founder of the Webby Awards
* Virgil Taylor, Artist

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