Monday, January 25, 2010

24th Street Food and Films this Saturday

Come to a guided tour of the 12 Art in Storefronts projects on 24th Street before sitting down to an evening of food and films about 24th Street by Martha Rosler, Veronica Majano and Kari Orvik, curated by Clare Haggarty (we were all in a band together once - no, not really...)

Saturday, January 30, 6-9pm
Sun Rise Restaurant (3126 24th St.)

The pris-fixe dinner (vegan option) w/ glass of sangria is $20 in advance (if you pay by cash or check...)
RSVP info:

Film Program:
Martha Rosler, Secrets from the Street: No Disclosure, 1980
In the 80's, Rosler had a studio near 24th Street in the Mission where she filmed the street in super 8 out of a car window. The footage is collaged with her voiceover making observations about the neighborhood.

Veronica Majano, Two Four, 2002
"Two Four" as in 24th Street in San Francisco’s Mission District, explores the fragile decay of memory in this short hand-processed black and white super 8 film.

Kari Orvik, Mission Portrait Studio, 24th and Mission, 2008
This video documents a day of free public portraits through audio interviews, super 8 film and video footage of participants' reactions to their images, neighborhood and one another.

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