Thursday, August 21, 2008

Eth6 Magazine Opening at Blankspace Gallery in Oakland

Some of my photos from a story on community response to gang violence in San Francisco's churches will be in this show for the launch of Eth6 Magazine, issue 3. Looks like there will be 2 openings - one on First Friday and an artist reception the following week. Can't wait to see the other work in the issue.

Eth6 Magazine Issue 3 Artist Exhibition
Sept. 5 - Oct. 13, 2008
First Friday Reception: Sept. 5, 7-10pm
Artist Reception: Sept. 12, 7-10pm

Blankspace Gallery
6608 San Pablo Avenue, Oakland, California 94608

Issue Three: contributing Artists Exhibition
Opens friday, Sept. 5, 7-10pm

Art: Bert Bergen, Brian Caraway, Eve Ekman, Jana Flynn, Tara Foley, Richard Nyhagen, Juliette Oken, Brion Nuda Rosch, Sham Saenz, Adam Wier, Gaelan Mckeown-Hickel
Photography: Beryl Fine, Rachel Styer, Kari Orvik, Norma Cordova

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